Chairman of Kalyani Public School, Saltlake

Message from Chairman
Mr. Rudrabir Roy's vision as the Chairman of Kalyani Public School, Saltlake. He is providing the best holistic education to children that would enable them to be responsible citizens of tomorrow. His Vision is to open new vistas for CBSE school children in our country. Academic excellence, good holistic education in the traditional Indian value-based system with due emphasis on contemporary issues makes our school program relevant to the present global scenario and the best school in Saltlake.
Angel Education Society is the best culmination of 40 years of acclaimed experience in CBSE School education and proven performance. Our Mission is to educate those who enter its portal, making them lifelong learners. The teachers teach through contemporary but appropriate methodologies and technologies. They also help the students to develop the qualities of tolerance, humility, and compassion in this pervasive environment.
Kalyani Public School, Saltlake was set up with to be the explicit goal of providing holistic education to children that would enable them to be responsible citizens of tomorrow. This is what makes us the best CBSE School for your child.
Thank you, dear parents, for this trust and belief you have in us by entrusting your most precious possession - YOUR CHILDREN. We are proud and happy to see that Kalyani Public School, Saltlake has grown in these last 25 years from a sapling spreading its shoots in different directions. Having earned the reputation of one of the best CBSE schools in the districts, the school is now poised for a deep leap forward in school education. We promise to continue this legacy and give our utmost endeavor to work self-Lesley to ensure their well-being and the best preparation for life.
The introduction of a new educational curriculum of the CBSE will open new vistas for school children in our country. I am confident Kalyani Public School, Saltlake will be better than the best.